Music and Movement Songs for Preschoolers

10 Best Music and Movement Songs for Toddlers and Preschoolers (Jump to List)
You know the feeling – you’re at the park on a sunny day, watching your kids run their little hearts out, and someone leans over to tell you those wishful words, “Well this will wear them out!” You laugh politely, even though you are absolutely sure they will be bouncing off the walls at home, too.
After all, you didn’t take them to the park to “wear them out,” but because you know how important physical activity is for their development. You get home (maybe with a slight hope of some down time) and sure enough they’re still going strong. Now you are the one who is tired, and they seem to have never-ending energy!
With this list of Music and Movement songs for toddlers and preschoolers – you’ll be prepared with one more tool to handle that wall bouncing at home (or in the classroom!).
So why do kids need to move so much?

Kids have superhuman energy.
OK, not really…, but kind of? This study says that prepubescent kids have more energy and faster recovery than well-trained adult endurance athletes. They also have fatigue-resistant muscles, AND are able to use their full lung capacity (this starts to decrease around age 7 or 8). Because of these things, they need much more exercise than adults do.
Movement helps kids focus.
The Reticular Activating System (or RAS for short) is the part of our brain that filters unnecessary information so that we can focus on what is important. It is the reason you can sleep through a loud plane flying overhead, yet wake up to your baby’s smallest whimper. The RAS also helps our brain automate things we do often. Think about how driving a car feels like second nature, yet driving to a new place still requires a lot of focus.
For kids, everything is new. Things that are easy to us, like eating a different combination of foods for lunch, may still require a lot of brain power for them.

We already know kids have much shorter attention spans than adults.
Sitting still in a classroom or focusing on one thing for a long period of time definitely requires a high amount of attentiveness. When we start to lose interest in what we are doing, our body wants to do something to stimulate our Reticular Activating System. One way we can do that is to move – kids fidget or get the “wiggles” because they are trying to wake up their sense of focus!
Kids need to move all throughout the day!
And since most of us can’t (or don’t want to) run around outside with them all day, mini dance parties are a fun and easy way to make that happen!

There are so many benefits of music and movement in early childhood.
Here are some of the skills that are strengthened through music and movement:
- Large Motor Skills (jumping, running, and dancing)
- Social Connection (bonus points if a parent or caregiver dances along with them!)
- Emotional Expression (less tantrums? We’re in!)
- Small Motor Skills (with finger plays and little actions)
- Group Participation (helpful when preparing for a school setting)
- Listening Skills
- Connecting the body and mind
- Spacial Awareness
- Learning new concepts and words
- Imagination and Creativity
- Balance, Rhythm, and Coordination
The list goes on – but you probably don’t even need a list to know that music and movement is a really great thing for kids. On top of all that, music and movement will probably lift their mood AND yours – and who doesn’t want that? It’s often a great reset when the day starts to go downhill.

So get dancing!
This can be as simple as turning on a favorite song and going freestyle, or using some of these wiggle songs with built in actions.
These are my favorites because they’re the easiest to sing and move along with.
They are my go-to’s both at home and in the classroom!
I recommend playing these songs on a speaker and NOT a screen (if you want kids to actually move!), but I’m linking the youtube videos here since I don’t know what streaming service you use.
In no particular order:
- Shake Your Sillies Out (The Learning Station) – perfect for a brain break!
- Freeze Dance (The Kiboomers) – I love that this one gives you dancing ideas!
- The Hokey Pokey – There are new versions, but I personally love the old one.
- The Floor is Lava (The Kiboomers) – My kids could play this game ALL day!
- Going on a Bear Hunt (The Kiboomers) – They also have a Dragon Hunt, Lion Hunt, Monster Hunt, and Santa Hunt, so you can change it up for the holidays.
- We are the Dinosaurs (The Laurie Berkner Band) – Does every kid go through a dinosaur phase, or just mine?
- See Me Run (Janeen Brady) – 90’s vibes, but this one really gets you moving!
- Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (Super Simple Songs) – Classic and easy even if you don’t have a way to play music. Kids love the speeding up challenge.
- The Goldfish (The Laurie Berkner Band) – lots of imagination in this one!
- My Hands – this one is a nice transition in the classroom when you’re ready to settle back down.
Just remember to keep it simple! These songs can help get you started, but you can do your own thing when it comes to music and movement! There’s no right or wrong here, as long as it is fun for you and the kids! What songs would you add to your go-to list?
McKenzie lives in Gilbert, Arizona with her husband and two children, and is part of the Nashville Recording Artist trio, “Firefly.” McKenzie and her sister Maddie started Honey Hum to share their experiences learning, teaching, and performing music.